If you’ve been on the main program for SeaTrek BVI and absolutely loved your experience of the British Virgin Islands, then just imagine what it would be like to go to other islands further down the chain! The Leeward Islands provide us with the perfect opportunity to explore and discover different worlds. This trip can also have a more laid back feel. Without certification classes, we’re able to spend more time diving and exploring.
Continue reading for a day in the life experience on the SeaTrek Leewards Island Explorer voyage!
After a nice downwind sail from St. Martin, we arrive in the beautiful crystal blue water of Road Bay, Anguilla. As the first mate hops into the dinghy with everyone’s passports to get stamped and cleared, the crew realize that the bay is filled with green sea turtles. They’re coming up for air all around, and the crew start counting how many they see. Once the first mate returns with the clearances, we decide to spend our afternoon in the bay for a bit longer so we can jump in and snorkel with the turtles they saw from up above.
After the snorkel adventure, the crew comes back to prepare and serve lunch as we get underway to our dive spot for the day! The dive we choose is a wreck pretty far off shore from Anguilla. Everyone’s pretty excited to go diving, so the gearing up process goes quickly and smoothly as buddy pairs start to splash. Everyone has their own dive computer and plan accordingly before they descend. The wreck proves to be fantastic as there is plenty of life swimming around enjoying the coral growth off of the broken up ship. Everything from blue tang, to eels, and sting rays!
Once we ascend and return to the boat, we motor off to Little Bay, Anguilla. There’s a really awesome jumping rock in the bay, so naturally we go straight there! We grab the closest mooring we can, have a little briefing for safety and next thing you know everyone is in the water swimming over to the rock. One by one for a solid hour we climb up to the top of the rock and jump off into the blue water below. With GoPros in hand and echoing yells, jumping off of a 20 ft high rock proves to be a pretty cool experience.
After the jumping, some people want to go snorkel over to a nearby cave and do some exploring while others would rather hang on the boat and get dinner ready. Once all of the crew is back on the boat, we share a delicious hot meal and talk about the awesome day we had. Plungers get to plunging while the rest of the crew prepare for the epic night dive we’re about to embark on. We get the dive lights ready to go, start to put on our wet suits and get a little briefing from a Dive Master.
Just after it gets dark we splash into the water and experience the life at night. Octopuses come out to say hello, and there are plenty of tarpon and squirrel fish around as well. Once we get back to the boat the crew is pleased to find hot chocolate waiting for their arrival. Once all the hot chocolate is consumed, all the gear is put away and the boat is checked for the night, everyone finds their bed for the night, either on the tarpoline, their hammocks, or their bed.
We want you to come and join in on these kinds of days with us! There’s so much more to explore and discover. That’s only one day, out of 21! Spots for this amazing 2018 voyage are going FAST so contact Capt. Monk ASAP to find out more and reserve your berth!