Island Times Blog

FATHOMS Science Camp Marine Biologist Log Day 6

June 26th, 2021 by Seatrek Staff |

By Julian P.., SeaTrek BVI FATHOMS student

Today was a day our boat was not looking forward to. Sadly, our intern Louis had to cycle to another boat and leave our “Aboat Time” family. After we all recovered, we had a nice breakfast of french toast and syrup. As the meal was digesting, we headed to the bow to do some “Boga”(Yoga on Boat), lead by Julian. We were all stretched, and ready to expand our minds so we moved to the cockpit to begin our lesson about coral reefs and ecosystem services. That lesson slowly turned into a conversation on everyone’s opinions about how our generation needs to solve problems that others caused. When everyone was done with their passionate rants, Anna suggested we watch some Plizzanet Earth. A Nature show on the Jimmy Kimmel show, hosted by the one, the only, SNOOP DOGGY DOG. We all had a good laugh about “Them Mongooses gangin’ up on that Alligator”- Snoop. We pulled up the bruce anchor and the main so we could make our way towards St. Thomas Bay. We had a tough time anchoring since we were near the other boats and it was super windy but Capmn’ Andy and Capmn’ Buck used their expertise to maneuver our boat into a great spot. We ate grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch. It was bussin’. After we bodied some grilled cheese sandwiches our next intern arrived. Everyone was so excited to meet Audrey and make a new friend. Then we went on a Reef Fish ID Snorkel. We counted all of the species of fish, corals, and invertebrates we saw so Anna could upload the data for the world to see. We all got some rest, started cooking dinner, and prepared for a norkel with the main program folks. For dinner we had 3 beans\ enchiladas with extra cheese and spanish rice. Everett gave a great presentation about the different corals we’d see on the norkel and it was quite interesting. On the norkel people saw lots of cool creatures like Tarpon, Spotted Moray Eel, Lobster, and a Southern Stingray. It’s bedtime.

Us eating our grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup!


Julian is a master of Boga (boat yoga) and was sharing his balancing skills with us.

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