$60.00 – $160.00
For several years SeaTrek and its students have greatly contributed to the success of the BVI Conservation and Fisheries Department’s Sea Turtle Tagging & Monitoring Program. The time, effort, and equipment support SeaTrek has provided allows CFD to continue this vital turtle monitoring and conservation program.
In order to maintain the program and ensure its long-term success and viability, CFD has asked a local not-for-profit conservation group, the Association of Reef Keepers (ARK), to manage the tagging program and has instituted a “Pay-To-Tag” system in which participants are required to pay a small fee/donation. These fees will be used to help CFD/ARK provide training, equipment, outreach, and education relevant to the program and turtle conservation throughout the region.
SeaTrek is 100% on board with providing financial support for this important sea turtle research and conservation effort. We will be making a significant financial contribution to allow our staff to participate in CFD’s official training and certification program.
If you would like your child to participate in SeaTrek’s turtle tagging/monitoring project option, please enter their name below and make your $60 payment. Select “none” in the dropdown menu if you don’t want to make an additional contribution.
If you have any questions or would like to donate more than $160, please direct them to our Director of Marine Science.