This morning we woke up and hiked the Savannah Saddle, a short hike from the leeward to the windward side of Virgin Gorda (continued…)
Along the trail we discussed the physical, geological and biological differences between the two sides of the island. We explored a salt pond/mud flat area and the rocky shore/intertidal zone—along with identifying and discussing several plant and animal species we saw. On the windward side we collected a large trash bag full of debris from the beach. We brought it back to the boat to sort through what we had collected and record our findings using an International Coastal Cleanup data card. We discussed the impact of marine debris on the ocean – with special attention given to the problem of small pieces of plastic. We concluded the activity by identifying ways we could work to address this problem. Then we headed to The Dog Islands to dive at a site called The Chimneys. It was a nice shallow dive with some interesting geology and plenty of creatures to see. After getting back on the boat we headed to Leverick Bay for some shore time and an evening movie and music along the dock with all the other main program boats. Another long, but fun-filled day….early to bed tonight so we can get some well-deserved rest. Until tomorrow…