Welcome to the new Island Times Blog. Our web development team has been working hard to improve the SeaTrek website, making it easier and more functional for YOU! Check out these new pages:
Know Before You Go
This is a great page that divides information into 2 easy sections: Things you need to KNOW and Things you need to DO before you arrive for your voyage. In each of these sections are important links to make your prep for your voyage easier. Check it out.
The New SeaTrek FORMS Library
There are 3 important sets of forms that NEED to be turned in before we can allow a student to participate in any activity. You’ll want to make sure you know what those 3 forms are. Visit the new Forms Library and check them off your list!
Did you know that you can browse through our latest brochure online?
It’s true! You’ve always been able to request a hard copy to be sent to you but now you can just flip through it online.